Course Outline

Course Outline:

  • What is the meaning of Databases. Comparison of RDBMS and DBMS
  • Different RDBMS available in the market.
  • What is SQL Server? Working with SQL Server Management Studio
  • Working with sublanguages like DDL, DML, DAL.
  • Creation of Tables, data types, Constraints and their definition.
  • Using Insert, Delete and Update statements.
  • Using Select Query and its various operators.
  • Use of Null, Not Null, And, OR, Between, Exists, Order by, Group by, Having clause
  • What are inbuilt functions? Math, String and Datetime functions.
  • Working with Views. How they are used for data access.
  • Working with Joins. Joins types and getting data from multiple tables.
  • Working with Sub Queries. What is a correlated subquery. Difference between Sub Query and Joins.
  • What are Common Table Expressions. Using Recursive Common Table expressions.


Basic Computer Skills.

 14 Hours

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Price per participant

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