Découvrez nos formations
Advanced Blazor
21 heuresC#.Net for Application Development
35 heuresBlazor WebAssembly
14 heuresVisual Studio 2022 IDE
14 heuresRabbitMQ with .NET
14 heuresC# for Automation Test Engineers
21 heuresProgramming using ASP.NET MVC 4
21 heuresC#.Net
35 heuresASP.Net 4.0
35 heuresASP.NET MVC 4.5 Web Development
28 heuresIIS 7 and ASP.NET Administration
21 heuresIIS 8 and ASP.NET Administration
21 heuresApache Spark for .NET Developers
21 heuresProgramming in C#
14 heuresPowerShell Master Class
21 heuresAdministration with Powershell
35 heuresReactive Programing with Rx.NET
7 heuresSpecFlow: Implementing BDD for .NET
21 heuresUiPath: Deploying a Robotic Workforce
28 heuresMachine Learning and AI with ML.NET
21 heuresIntroduction to Blazor
14 heuresIntroduction to .Net Core
14 heuresEntity Framework Core 2.0
14 heuresAdvanced Programming in C#
35 heuresDeveloping in C# 6 Development
28 heuresDeveloping in ASP.NET MVC 6 Development
28 heuresUnit Testing with C#
14 heuresVisual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO)
21 heuresVisual Studio with VB.Net
21 heures.NET Core and Angular Training Course
21 heuresDernière Mise À Jour:
Nos clients témoignent(22)
Le formateur était très compétent et très utile.
Thilini Alwis - Te Manawa Taki Trauma System
Formation - Visual Studio 2022 IDE
Traduction automatique
Le rythme et les explications
Wiliam - DB Global Technology
Formation - PowerShell Master Class
Traduction automatique
Explications claires pour mon niveau débutant
Joëlle - Smart
Formation - Developing in C# 6 Development
Adapté à nos besoins
Rafał - Haleon
Formation - C#.Net
Traduction automatique
it was a great cource becuase we got the chance to discuss things and try working with the things we got taught. But the thing I liked the most was that everything was based on experience that Marcin had.
Jesper - ProgramDuon AB
Formation - Advanced Blazor
I liked that I had the chance to exercise.
carmen mocanu - Nanotec Electronic Bulgaria EOOD
Formation - Unit Testing with C#
Very broad overview of the subject matter that ran through all the prerequisite knowledge in ways appropriate to the course knowledge.
James Hurburgh - Queensland Police Service
Formation - SpecFlow: Implementing BDD for .NET
Le formateur a très bien expliqué les sujets à l'aide d'exemples concrets tirés du monde réel, ce qui nous a permis d'assimiler plus facilement les informations.
Florin-Viorel Marut - Continental Automotive Romania
Formation - High-Performance Application Development with .NET Core
Traduction automatique
Les thèmes abordés lors de la formation et les connaissances du formateur sur ces thèmes.
Sajid Baloch - Eschbach GmbH
Formation - Microservice Patterns: Migrating from a Monolithic to a Microservice Architecture with .Net
Traduction automatique
La bonne connaissance et la compréhension approfondie du sujet par le formateur, ainsi que sa capacité à présenter et à transmettre les connaissances de manière claire et efficace.
Balázs Farkas - Greentube GmbH
Formation - Implementing the Actor Model with Microsoft Orleans
Traduction automatique
Comprehensive - covered everything we were interested in. Able to work through examples.
Deborah Morrison - AFBI
Formation - Introduction to Blazor
It was interactive, I could ask many questions and the instructor would modify his lecture to answer my questions
Cynthia Rodriguez - RoyalRoads University
Formation - Programming using ASP.NET MVC 4
Very knowledgeable trainer
Tegan Aloysius - Hilton
Formation - Introduction to .Net Core
I liked how the examples lead to the next. You are able to use what you learnt in the previous segment in the next.
Sacha Mannion - BeyondTrust
Formation - C# for Automation Test Engineers
The trainer had excellent knowledge of his subject. Very approachable.
Eamon McIntosh - Skanska plc
Formation - Entity Framework Core 2.0
I generally was benefit from the exercise during training.
Wilkie Yu
Formation - UIPath: Deploying a Robotic Workforce
I really enjoyed the practical exercises.
Marcin Kocikowski
Formation - Introducing C# 6.0 with Visual Studio 2015/2017
I generally liked the serialization in one line.
Tomasz Kawecki
Formation - Programming in C#
I generally was benefit from the hands-on training.
Robert Badeloe
Formation - IIS 7 and ASP.NET Administration
J'ai apprécié l'étendue des connaissances de Folio. Non seulement il connaissait le contenu du cours, mais il connaissait aussi des constructions dans des langages qui nous étaient familiers afin de rendre les exemples plus significatifs pour nous. Pendant les intervalles, il a partagé sa connaissance des technologies et des solutions en dehors du cadre de la formation pour nous donner un aperçu d'autres solutions que nous pourrions utiliser à l'avenir (et lors de futures formations).
Raphael - Markit Valuations Limited
Formation - Developing Desktop Applications with Visual Studio 2012, VB.NET and SQL Server 2012
Traduction automatique
It was a compact and well delivered one.
Antonio Rojas
Formation - IIS 8 and ASP.NET Administration
The trainer focused on each persons requirements for the course and tuned the material to suit our goals.