Découvrez nos formations

Advanced Blazor

21 heures

C#.Net for Application Development

35 heures

Blazor WebAssembly

14 heures

Visual Studio 2022 IDE

14 heures

RabbitMQ with .NET

14 heures

C# for Automation Test Engineers

21 heures

Programming using ASP.NET MVC 4

21 heures


35 heures

Microsoft App-V: Implementing Enterprise Desktop Virtualization

28 heures

ASP.Net 4.0

35 heures

ASP.NET MVC 4.5 Web Development

28 heures

IIS 7 and ASP.NET Administration

21 heures

IIS 8 and ASP.NET Administration

21 heures

Jenkins for .Net Continuous Integration (CI)

14 heures

Microservice Patterns: Migrating from a Monolithic to a Microservice Architecture with .Net

14 heures

Apache Spark for .NET Developers

21 heures

Programming in C#

14 heures

Programming Metro-style Apps with C# (Windows 8, Windows RT, WinRT)

21 heures

PowerShell Master Class

21 heures

Administration with Powershell

35 heures

Reactive Programing with Rx.NET

7 heures

SpecFlow: Implementing BDD for .NET

21 heures

UiPath: Deploying a Robotic Workforce

28 heures

Introduction to UiPath RPA - Three Day Workshop

21 heures

Machine Learning and AI with ML.NET

21 heures

Introduction to Blazor

14 heures

Implementing the Actor Model with Microsoft Orleans

14 heures

High-Performance Application Development with .NET Core

14 heures

Introduction to .Net Core

14 heures

Entity Framework Core 2.0

14 heures

Introducing C# 6.0 with Visual Studio 2015/2017

28 heures

Advanced Programming in C#

35 heures

Developing in C# 6 Development

28 heures

Developing Desktop Applications with Visual Studio 2012, VB.NET and SQL Server 2012

21 heures

Developing in ASP.NET MVC 6 Development

28 heures

Unit Testing with C#

14 heures

Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO)

21 heures

Visual Studio with VB.Net

21 heures

.NET Core and Angular Training Course

21 heures

Visual Basic 2015 Integrated to 4.7.2 NET Framework

28 heures

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Weekend Microsoft .NET cours, Soir Microsoft .NET formation, Microsoft .NET stage d’entraînement, Microsoft .NET formateur à distance, Microsoft .NET formateur en ligne, Microsoft .NET formateur Online, Microsoft .NET cours en ligne, Microsoft .NET cours à distance, Microsoft .NET professeur à distance, Microsoft .NET visioconférence, Microsoft .NET stage d’entraînement intensif, Microsoft .NET formation accélérée, Microsoft .NET formation intensive, Formation inter Microsoft .NET, Formation intra Microsoft .NET, Formation intra Enteprise Microsoft .NET, Formation inter Entreprise Microsoft .NET, Weekend Microsoft .NET formation, Soir Microsoft .NET cours, Microsoft .NET coaching, Microsoft .NET entraînement, Microsoft .NET préparation, Microsoft .NET instructeur, Microsoft .NET professeur, Microsoft .NET formateur, Microsoft .NET stage de formation, Microsoft .NET cours, Microsoft .NET sur place, Microsoft .NET formations privées, Microsoft .NET formation privée, Microsoft .NET cours particulier, Microsoft .NET cours particuliers