Découvrez nos formations
Workplace Harassment Prevention
7 heuresTeam Building and Management
14 heuresInfluence in Action
14 heuresPeople and Team Management
21 heuresTeam Collaboration
7 heuresCommunication and Teamwork
7 heuresDernière Mise À Jour:
Nos clients témoignent(4)
Style of trainer although at time very fast and leaving littel rom for thinking. (not all can follow at his pace)
Paul - GEA Refrigeration Netherlands N.V. IT
Formation - Communication and Teamwork
all topics from list were addressed but trainer adapt it to the question from the group
Iwona - LKQ Polska Sp. z o. o.
Formation - Team Building and Management
Reflecting own my self to learn others
Roy Dekker - Axway GmbH
Formation - People and Team Management
the pace, the information provided. the way it as taught with theory and practice cases, handouts, exercises, etc.
Carlos Abascal - Hewlett-Packard Centro de Servicios Globales, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Formation - Influence in Action
Cours à venir
Weekend Working In A Team cours, Soir Working In A Team formation, Working In A Team stage d’entraînement, Working In A Team formateur à distance, Working In A Team formateur en ligne, Working In A Team formateur Online, Working In A Team cours en ligne, Working In A Team cours à distance, Working In A Team professeur à distance, Working In A Team visioconférence, Working In A Team stage d’entraînement intensif, Working In A Team formation accélérée, Working In A Team formation intensive, Formation inter Working In A Team, Formation intra Working In A Team, Formation intra Enteprise Working In A Team, Formation inter Entreprise Working In A Team, Weekend Working In A Team formation, Soir Working In A Team cours, Working In A Team coaching, Working In A Team entraînement, Working In A Team préparation, Working In A Team instructeur, Working In A Team professeur, Working In A Team formateur, Working In A Team stage de formation, Working In A Team cours, Working In A Team sur place, Working In A Team formations privées, Working In A Team formation privée, Working In A Team cours particulier, Working In A Team cours particuliers