Découvrez nos formations
Ethical Deployment of LLMs
7 heuresCross-Lingual LLMs
14 heuresLLMs for Financial Market Prediction
14 heuresLLMs for Environmental Modeling
14 heuresLLMs in Multimodal Applications
14 heuresLLMs for Cybersecurity
14 heuresLLMs for Predictive Analytics
14 heuresLLMs for Content Generation
14 heuresLLMs for Personalized Education
14 heuresLLMs for Automated Customer Support
14 heuresLLMs for Sentiment Analysis
21 heuresLLMs for Business Intelligence
14 heuresLlamaIndex: Enhancing Contextual AI
14 heuresGoogle Gemini AI for Data Analysis
21 heuresGoogle Gemini AI for Content Creation
14 heuresIntroduction to Google Gemini AI
14 heuresAI Automation with n8n and LangChain
14 heuresAdvanced LLMs for NLP Tasks
21 heuresLangChain Fundamentals
14 heuresNLP: Natural Language Processing with R
21 heuresAI Awareness for Telecom
14 heuresBuilding Chatbots in Python
21 heuresCore ML for iOS App Development
14 heuresPython for Natural Language Generation
21 heuresOpenNLP for Text Based Machine Learning
14 heuresText Summarization with Python
14 heuresNLP with Deeplearning4j
14 heuresLast Updated:
Nos clients témoignent(5)
Hunter est fabuleux, très engageant, extrêmement bien informé et sympathique. C'est très bien.
Rick Johnson - Laramie County Community College
Formation - Artificial Intelligence (AI) Overview
Traduction automatique
La bonne humeur, l'accompagnement et les compétences du formateur.
Oumayma - Physiobotic
Formation - Scaling Data Pipelines with Spark NLP
Organization, adhering to the proposed agenda, the trainer's vast knowledge in this subject
Ali Kattan - TWPI
Formation - Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow
This is one of the best hands-on with exercises programming courses I have ever taken.
Laura Kahn
Formation - Artificial Intelligence - the most applied stuff - Data Analysis + Distributed AI + NLP
I did like the exercises.
Office for National Statistics
Formation - Natural Language Processing with Python
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Weekend Natural Language Processing cours, Soir NLP formation, NLP stage d’entraînement, NLP (Natural Language Processing) formateur à distance, NLP formateur en ligne, NLP formateur Online, NLP cours en ligne, NLP cours à distance, NLP professeur à distance, NLP visioconférence, NLP (Natural Language Processing) stage d’entraînement intensif, NLP (Natural Language Processing) formation accélérée, NLP formation intensive, Formation inter NLP, Formation intra Natural Language Processing, Formation intra Enteprise NLP, Formation inter Entreprise Natural Language Processing, Weekend Natural Language Processing formation, Soir NLP cours, Natural Language Processing coaching, Natural Language Processing entraînement, Natural Language Processing préparation, NLP instructeur, NLP professeur, Natural Language Processing formateur, NLP (Natural Language Processing) stage de formation, NLP cours, NLP (Natural Language Processing) sur place, Natural Language Processing formations privées, NLP (Natural Language Processing) formation privée, NLP cours particulier, NLP (Natural Language Processing) cours particuliers